Simplify House Cleaning: Tips from a Professional Organiser

Transform Your Cleaning Routine with Professional Organising Strategies

Are you tired of the never-ending cycle of house cleaning? Do you find yourself overwhelmed by the clutter and disarray in your living spaces? It’s time to simplify your house cleaning routine with the help of a professional organiser. In this blog post, we’ll explore how a professional organiser can assist you in creating a manageable and efficient cleaning schedule. Plus, I’ll share same sample cleaning routines for each room.

Streamline Your Cleaning Process for a Clean and Organised Home

A professional organiser can work with you to establish a cleaning schedule and routine that suits your lifestyle and preferences.

  1. Create a Cleaning Schedule and Routine:

By dividing tasks into daily, weekly, and monthly categories, you’ll be able to allocate specific time slots for cleaning. To begin the process yourself, you could determine how often you need to clean each area of your home and assign specific days or times for those tasks. Having a schedule helps you stay on track and ensures that cleaning becomes a regular part of your routine. Consistency is key to maintaining a clean and organised home effortlessly.

  1. Declutter and Organise:

Clutter makes cleaning more difficult and time-consuming. Before you can truly simplify your house cleaning, it’s essential to declutter and organise your living spaces. A professional organiser can guide you through this process, helping you determine what to keep, donate, or discard. By reducing clutter, you’ll make cleaning more efficient and enjoyable. Having fewer items will make cleaning quicker and more manageable.

  1. Prioritise and Break Down Tasks:

Cleaning can be overwhelming when faced with a long list of chores. A professional organiser can teach you how to prioritise tasks and break them down into smaller, more manageable chunks. Focus on one area or room at a time, and tackle tasks systematically. Breaking it down allows you to concentrate your efforts and prevents burnout. For example, clean the kitchen on Mondays, the bedrooms on Tuesdays, and so on. By doing so, you’ll prevent feeling overwhelmed and achieve a sense of accomplishment along the way.

  1. Streamline Your Cleaning Routine:

A professional organiser can help you streamline your cleaning routine by identifying inefficiencies and suggesting improvements. For example, I might recommend using multipurpose cleaning products, organising cleaning supplies for easy access, or implementing time-saving techniques. These small changes can make a significant difference in simplifying your house cleaning process.

  1. Save Time and Energy:

By simplifying your house cleaning routine, you’ll save valuable time and energy. Instead of spending hours on endless chores, you’ll be able to enjoy more free time for activities you love. With the assistance of a professional organiser, you can reclaim your weekends and spend them doing things that truly matter to you. Begin by assigning a specific time limit to each cleaning task. For instance, allocate 15 minutes for dusting, 10 minutes for vacuuming, and so on. Alternatively, only spend 10 minutes working on a room and then give yourself permission to stop. Setting time limits helps you stay focused and prevents tasks from dragging on longer than necessary.

  1. Use Multitasking Strategies:

Look for opportunities to clean while multitasking. For example, while waiting for the kettle to boil, you can wipe down countertops or while waiting for the microwave, you can unpack the dishwasher. Maximising your time and effort in this way can help you accomplish more in a shorter span of time.

  1. Involve the Whole Family:

Cleaning doesn’t have to be a one-person job. Assign age-appropriate cleaning tasks to other family members and create a cleaning routine that involves everyone. Sharing the responsibilities not only lightens the load but also instills a sense of shared ownership and responsibility for maintaining a clean home.

  1. Implement Daily Cleaning Habits:

Develop simple daily cleaning habits that help prevent buildup and make deep cleaning less frequent. For instance, wiping down countertops after use, doing a quick sweep or vacuum, and taking a few minutes to tidy up before bed can make a big difference in keeping your home consistently clean.

Sample Cleaning Schedule for Families

By following quick and effective routines for each room, you and your family can easily complete daily house cleaning tasks in about 12 minutes per room. Try to slowly incorporate any new routines into your daily or weekly schedule to avoid feeling overwhelmed. To get you started, here are several tables detailing important cleaning tasks for the kitchen, bedroom, laundry, lounge and bathroom. Remember, simplifying your home cleaning routine is about finding strategies that work best for you and your lifestyle. Experiment with small changes and see what offers the biggest benefit for you.

TaskEstimated Time
Wipe down countertops2 minutes
Wash dishes or load/unload dishwasher5 minutes
Sweep or vacuum floor2 minutes
Empty trash1 minute
TaskEstimated Time
Make the bed2 minutes
Fold and put away clothes5 minutes
Dust surfaces3 minutes
Straighten up2 minutes
TaskEstimated Time
Sort and start a load of laundry2 minutes
Hang out the washing (or start the dryer)5 minutes
Fold and put away clean clothes5 minutes
If using a dryer clean the lint filter1 minutes
TaskEstimated Time
Fluff and arrange pillows2 minutes
Dust surfaces3 minutes
Vacuum or sweep floor5 minutes
Straighten up2 minutes
TaskEstimated Time
Wipe down countertops and sink2 minutes
Clean toilet3 minutes
Wipe down mirrors1 minute
Sweep or vacuum floor3 minutes

Note: The estimated times provided are approximate and can vary depending on the size of the room and the specific cleaning needs. Adjust the time allocation based on your personal requirements.

Ready to simplify your house cleaning routine?

Don’t let disorganisation and overwhelm hold you back from enjoying a clean and organised home. Contact Makings of Home today to discuss how we can help you create a personalised cleaning schedule and transform your home into a clutter-free haven. Say goodbye to overwhelm and embrace a simplified cleaning routine. Your clean and organised home awaits you.

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